Pedro Alonso Lopez


Often referred to as the "Monster of the Andes," Pedro Alonso López was a notorious Colombian serial killer who committed horrifying murders. On October 8, 1948, López was born in Santa Isabel, Colombia. He is regarded as one of history's most prolific serial killers, having been found guilty of killing more than 100 young girls in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

From the late 1960s until the early 1980s, Lopez committed crimes. Young girls between the ages of 8 and 12 were his main target demographic. Frequently, Lopez would entice these young women away from their homes or playgrounds, abuse them sexually, and then kill them. He was renowned for his shrewdness and capacity to escape arrest for a considerable amount of time.

López was finally apprehended in Ecuador in 1980 after a failed kidnapping attempt resulted in his detention by a local tribe. When the tribe found out about his misdeeds, they were going to have him put to death, but the authorities saved him and took him into custody. Lopez was found guilty of 110 murders in Ecuador after confessing to the killing of more than 100 females. The highest punishment that could have been imposed on him at the time in Ecuador was 16 years in prison.

López served just 14 years in prison before being granted early release in 1998 for good behaviour. It became entirely unknown where he was, and there were worries that he may carry on with his illegal behaviour. As of my most recent knowledge update in September 2021, López's present whereabouts are unknown despite efforts by numerous nations and law enforcement organisations to find him.

The case of Pedro Alonso López is a horrifying illustration of a serial killer who was able to carry out several horrible acts and evade justice for a protracted period of time. His release from prison has been a source of much debate and worry since there is a worry that he may have kept exploiting helpless victims.


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